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  • J Vítků, R Hampl. Steroid Conjugates and Their Physiological Role. Physiological research. 2023, 72 (S4): S317-S322
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  • M Dušková. The Effects of Different Types of Diets on Steroid Hormone Concentrations. Physiological research. 2023, 72 (S4): S323-S337
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  • L Máčová, R Kancheva, M Bičíková. Molecular Regulation of the CNS by Vitamin D. Physiological research. 2023, 72 (S4): S339-S356
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  • J Včelák, Z Šerková, K Zajíčková. Molecular Genetic Aspects of Sporadic Multiglandular Primary Hyperparathyroidism. Physiological research. 2023, 72 (S4): S357-S363
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  • A Pařízek, J Suchopár, Z Laštůvka, M Alblová, M Hill, M Dušková. The Endocannabinoid System and Its Relationship to Human Reproduction. Physiological research. 2023, 72 (S4): S365-S380
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  • A Pařízek, M Hill, M Dušková, L Kolátorová, J Suchopár, P Šimják, K Anderlová, E Kudová, V Rogalewicz, J Vacek, M Koudelková, R Chloupková, M Alblová, P Pařízková, Z Laštůvka, M Barták. The Endocannabinoid System - The Prediction of Spontaneous Preterm Birth in High-Risk Women: Protocol of a Study. Physiological research. 2023, 72 (S4): S381-S387
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  • M Vaňková, D Vejražková, P Lukášová, J Včelák, D Chocholová, B Bendlová. Age-Related Changes in Proinsulin Processing in Normoglycemic Individuals. Physiological research. 2023, 72 (S4): S389-S397
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  • T Metelcová, V Hainer, M Hill, P Kalousková, J Vrbíková, P Šrámková, M Fried, R Taxová Braunerová, M Kunešová. Postprandial Triglyceride, Glucose and Insulin Levels 10 Years After Bariatric Surgery in Women With Severe Obesity - A Pilot Study: Part 1 - Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication. Physiological research. 2023, 72 (S4): S399-S403
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  • T Metelcová, V Hainer, M Hill, P Kalousková, J Vrbíková, P Šrámková, M Fried, R Taxová Braunerová, M Kunešová. Postprandial Triglyceride, Glucose and Insulin Levels 10 Years After Bariatric Surgery in Women With Severe Obesity - A Pilot Study: Part 2 - Biliopancreatic Diversion. Physiological research. 2023, 72 (S4): S405-S410
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  • V Smolinská, M Boháč, Ľ Danišovič. Current status of the applications of conditioned media derived from mesenchymal stem cells for regenerative medicine. Physiological research. 2023, 72 (S3): S233-S245
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